Dispensing Systems for Film, Foil and Baking Parchment

The Future of Hospital Catering: Improving Sustainability and Reducing Food Waste with Wrapmaster®

The Future of Hospital Catering: Improving Sustainability and Reducing Food Waste with Wrapmaster®

13th June 2023

Hospital catering plays a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of patients, staff, and visitors. It also – along with the rest of the foodservice industry – contributes to a high level of food waste and impact on the environment.

To tackle these challenges, a growing number of hospitals and their contract catering partners are looking at ways to introduce more sustainable practises. These include focusing on reducing waste and swapping to equipment that lowers their impact on the environment.

One advancement supporting hospital caterers is Wrapmaster’s Recyclable PE Cling Film. With eight out of ten chefs saying cling film is essential in their day-to-day[i], swapping standard wrap to one that is recyclable is an easy way to take a positive step in your sustainability journey, reducing food and kitchen waste in one step.

Plasticiser, BPA and PVC free, Wrapmaster® Recyclable[ii] PE cling film can be used to wrap and cover all types of food and ingredients. With 50-80% of food waste in professional kitchens avoidable,[iii] using tactics such as menu planning, portion control and good storage can all help. Wrapping food will not only help extend the shelf life but preserve that all-important quality and flavour. Using Wrapmaster’s Recyclable PE Cling Film means caterers can keep using cling film in the kitchen, safe in the knowledge that it can be recycled after use as part of  a more sustainable, and circular, catering operation.

Another crucial aspect of enhancing sustainability in hospital kitchens is the adoption of sustainable equipment. By upgrading equipment and embracing more innovative alternatives, hospitals can significantly reduce their impact and increase hygiene standards even further.

Swapping cardboard cutter boxes and loose rolls to a Wrapmaster® ultimate chef wrap system can help kitchens minimise their wrap wastage and cut costs in the process.  On average Wrapmaster® users enjoy a 25% cost saving, and in a survey of 100 chefs the top three most important reasons for using a Wrapmaster® dispenser were the hygiene benefits (97%), noticeable reduction in waste and food wrap usage (96%) and finally improving safety in the kitchen (88%)[iv].

By teaming Wrapmaster’s PE Recyclable Cling Film with a Wrapmaster® dispenser – hospital caterers can benefit from the ultimate sustainable wrap system! The cling film is part of the Wrapmaster® Sustainable Collection, which also includes the award-winning Flexsil-Lid™ by Wrapmaster®, re-usable silicone lids to cut back on food waste and Compostable Baking Parchment made from sustainable sources.

All the products have been developed for professional kitchens and designed to help caterers take that first step in their sustainability journey.

To learn more about Wrapmaster’s Recyclable PE Cling Fim and the Sustainable Collection please call 01952 678800, email ben.correia@cofresco.com or visit www.wrapmaster.global/en/the-sustainable-collection/

[i] Independent Chef Panel Research, 100 participants Nov 2018

[ii] Please check your local facilities for PE Cling Film recycling options including major supermarkets.

[iii] Guardians of Grub

[iv] Independent Chef Panel Research, 100 participants Nov 2018